Archive | March 2015

My Personal Strengths.

We all have Personal  Character Strengths. Personal Character Strengths are not talents like I am good at soccer, they are special Strengths that you have inside you. Here are a few examples:

Wisdom and Knowledge – It means things curiosity, creativity, or love of learning.

Courage -This means you have honesty, bravery, perseverance, or zest.

Humanity – It means kindness, love, or social intelligence.

Justice – It means teamwork, leadership, or fairness.

Temperance – This means self control or statement.

Transcendence – This word means Humor, Hope, or Gratitude.                                                                                                  

Now here are my top two Personal Character Strengths, Humanity and Justice.      

What are your Personal Character Strengths?                                                                      Tell me your top two.                                                





The Great People Hall of Fame

 We had The Great People Hall Of Fame!  I was Sally Ride. If you do not know about her look at one of my other blog posts about her.  We did The Great People Hall Of Fame in the MPR.  There were a lot of people in our school who were coming over and asking questions and we were answering  their questions. It was a lot of fun! We were dressed up as our great people! 

 This is Sally Ride.

image The Greatimage

Here is a video of my class and I in the great people hall of fame.

Sally Ride

My Great Person was Sally Ride! She is a famous astronaut. Did you know she was only 32 when she went into space? She made a difference in the world by being the first American woman and the youngest American to go into space. I loved researching about Sally Ride.


This is Sally Ride.


This is me.

The Student Blogging Challenge

The Student Blogging Challenge

I am doing The Student Blogging Challenge! It is a fun way to connect with kids around the world. I also have this globe on my blog and it says where around the world people came on. But you have write a few blog posts a week. You also have to have a blog. If you have a blog a think you should try it. Just click on the picture and it will take you to The Student Blogging Challenge.

Story Bird

We are doing Story Bird! It is a fun web tool to use. You just choose a picture and then write a text. This is my first Story Bird. I think you should try it too!

If you want to try Story Bird too click here.